Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf, also known as ladder toss or ladder ball, is a fun and engaging outdoor game that is perfect for backyard gatherings and parties. This game consists of two ladder-like structures with three rungs each, and players take turns tossing bolas (two balls connected by a string) in an attempt to wrap them around the rungs of the ladder.
The objective of Ladder Golf is to score points by successfully landing your bolas on different rungs of the ladder. The top rung is worth the most points, the middle rung is worth slightly fewer points, and the bottom rung is worth the least. Players can earn additional points by knocking off their opponent's bolas or by achieving a special "ladder golf" where one bola lands on each rung of the ladder in a single turn.
This game is easy to learn, but offers plenty of strategy and skill-building opportunities for players of all ages. Ladder Golf is a versatile and portable game that can be set up quickly in any outdoor space, making it a fantastic addition to any social gathering or event. Get ready to have hours of fun and friendly competition with Ladder Golf!
*Items actual appearance may differ from the picture.